Monday, January 11, 2010

Countdown Initiated

10 Things I Wish I Could Say to People
1. It's not that I don't want to hang out with you, but I'm sick of being the only sober one. Can't you have one night where you're not drinking or doing drugs? No? I didn't think so.
2. I'm very alright with the fact that I've never been "clubbing". The "music" in those clubs gives me a migraine.
3. I'd go dancing with you, but I don't trust you. Why? Because you're male.
4. Your daughter is screaming for a toy and what do you do? You buy it for her? Yeah, that'll fix the problem.
5. What on earth possessed you to do/write/wear/say that?
6. I want to like your story/poem, but it's just bad. Very bad.
7. Are you even human?
8. I'm pretty sure that's not legal.
9. Don't. Touch. Me.
10. You're just a complete dick, aren't you?

9 Things About Myself
1. I don't stand still well.
2. I'm always writing a story in my head. If you interrupt the story, don't be surprised if I suddenly start talking about dragons. Or about how the lady sitting at that table probably has six kids, all grown, and she's suffering from empty nest and her husband is dead and she's contemplating never getting out of bed again. Or about how that guy spent his best years traveling from town to town selling photos in a stand on the side of the road. Now he's reaching the end of his years, his hands shake so badly he can't hold the camera. And all he wants is that one perfect picture.
3. I'm finally proud of my geekiness.
4. I've done ballet since I was 3. I still remember a lot of my choreography from over the years. I can pull the Snowflake Waltz out of my ass at the drop of a hat.
5. I will have no respect for you if you have none for me. I don't care what your job is, if you treat me like shit that's all you're going to get from me.
6. I love living by myself. Just me and the dog.
7. If I didn't need it to buy food, I wouldn't care about money.
8. I love sleep. I'd love more hours in the day to sleep. I love the dreams.
9. I correct people's grammar before I can stop myself. It gets me a lot of angry glares.

8 Ways to Win My Heart
1. Don't be too forward. I'm easily scared off.
2. Take me somewhere I'll enjoy but I've never been before. Make it an adventure.
3. Don't talk down to me. Do it once and I'll remember it forever.
4. I've had very bad experiences with men, please keep this in mind.
5. An exotic accent would hurt.
6. I don't always want to be treated like one of the guys. Just because I enjoy some of the same things, I want romance in my life, too.
7. I'm going to have performances over the years. I expect flowers.
8. Must love dogs. Must love animals.

7 Things That Cross My Mind A Lot
1. Why are you even talking to me?
2. Do you really think it's OK to do that?
3. [Insert Day Dream About Comic/Movie/TV Show/Cartoon Character or Hot Movie Star/Guy at Work Who's Completely Out of My League Here]
4. Anti-Me Thoughts
5. What would happen if I did this to this character?
6. I really want to work create a story around this character/situation. How could I do that?
7. Songs. If I'm not writing a story in my head, I'm singing a song.

6 Things I Do Before I Go To Bed (no particular order)
1. Take Pills.
2. Contacts out.
3. Dog Walked.
4. Dog in bed.
5. Play solitaire on my phone.
6. Write Story as I fall asleep.

5 Places I Want to Visit
1. England
2. South Africa
3. France
4. Ireland
5. So many others I can't even list them

4 Things I'm Wearing Right Now
1. Pants
2. Camisole
3. Undies
4. Sweater

3 Bands(Singers) I Listen to Often
1. Frank Sinatra
2. Josh Groban
3. Broadway Musical

2 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Have a child.
2. Write something that someone important will want to read.

1 Confession
Some days I wish that something would happen to me so that I wouldn't have to go to work.

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