Sunday, January 3, 2010

Creating a Character

So, I wasn't going to post anything tonight. I had a shitty day at work and just didn't want to deal with. Period. Then I remembered that that is why I started this in the first place. To make myself feel better after days like today. Mind you, I've learned from the nasty stories about people losing their jobs after posting something not nice about their jobs, so I won't do that. It was just a bad day. One of those days, ya know. One of those days.

But it's over, as of 4 minutes ago it is now January 4th. Much better day. A day off from work. With a nap and a chiropractor appointment being my only plans. Perhaps I shall go to Bookman's finally and get trade value for all my stuff. But mostly I'm going to wallow in my grumpiness.

But I came home and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King was on. And watching Orlando Bloom kill the very large elephant always makes me happy. As does watching Samwise Gamgee kill some orcs. Yes, Sam, shout about the Shire and your gaffer while your trying to infiltrate to orc's tower to save your Mister Frodo. That screams of logic.

I also came home to find the Magnificent Madame J. had ideas about a character I've been half-assedly working on for a couple days now. Nothing about the character, just about what she could do in the story we're all working on. And it was like all of the sudden it clicked. She's a Mal Reynolds personality wise. She has illusion powers that she uses for the good of mankind, and if that's not possible at least for her own amusement. A good person at heart, but not unwilling to hurt other people to get what she wants.

I love creating characters. It can make a day go from hell to ground level in about 20 minutes. It starts with a power. Today's character was shapeshifting. But that was boring today. I didn't particularly want to do just a shape shifter unless there's some catch to it. I've done shape shifters before, but never very well. So I decided to base her powers more in reality altering. But I didn't want to bring up the chance of her being so powerful that could alter history so that Event X never happened. I hate those story lines in comics. Blah. So I decided to change it to illusions. She could change her appearance and the world around her. And it works really well. It helped develop her personality later on.

Next came her name, and for that matter usually ends with changing that name. It's usually the name of one of my friends, just as a filler. Sometimes it works for the character, but usually it doesn't. Today she started off as Alex, which works well as a filler name, because it's fairly generic. (Not to say that all Alex's are generic personalities, I know 3 Alex's at work and none of them are generic. At all.) She was Alex Cummings. Which I was going to keep until I remembered why it sounded so good Alan Cummings. Yay Alan Cummings. Or is it Cumming? That's a possibility. Anyway, I then changed it to Miranda Cummings, (I was watching Lord of the Rings, remember. Miranda Otto plays Eowyn.) And after that many more changes were made until finally we arrived at the name Jenny Bianchi. (See. That's a big difference, I don't want to list ALL the changes. It'd be like, 20 posts worth.) And her appearance is roughly based off of this picture of Cameron from House. It seemed liked fate when I realized that her real name is Jennifer as well.

So next I started working on her history. And this is when it really clicked. She a bitch, and has a thing for practical jokes. She was spoiled growing up and because of that thought she could do whatever she wanted. She's kind of an Emma Frost character.

Anyway. That's a ramble on how I created a character tonight and how it made my mood finally go up after a very shitty day. Now it's 12:59, and I started this post nearly an hour ago. I think it's time for bed.

Goodnight to the world.

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